Velkommen til nettmøte i regi av ICOM Nord 19.02 2025 kl.15:00.
Medlemmer i Norsk ICOM vil underveis få anledning til å drøfte deltaking i generalforsamlinga til ICOM i Dubai i 2025.
Møtet vil foregå på Zoom. Lenke kommer!
Velkommen til nettmøte i regi av ICOM Nord 19.02 2025 kl.15:00.
Medlemmer i Norsk ICOM vil underveis få anledning til å drøfte deltaking i generalforsamlinga til ICOM i Dubai i 2025.
Møtet vil foregå på Zoom. Lenke kommer!
Tid: Mandag 25 november 2024 kl. 18:00-20:30
Sted: Zoom (lenke sendes til påmeldte noen dager før arrangementet finner sted)
Om arrangementet:
How do museums of different types, with different scientific and cultural projects, approaches and resources, respond to the issues raised by the exhibition of collections linked to the history of slavery?
At a time when the Ministry of Culture is working on the promotion of ‘ contested heritage ’; when the issue of the ‘ decolonisation ’ of museums, collections and the way in which our institutions operate is at the heart of reflections by the community of professionals in France and abroad, particularly within ICOM; and when the issue of human rights is increasingly present in our professional exchanges, this evening offers a time for sharing experiences and reflections by professionals on this fundamental question: Heritage and the memory of slavery – how to exhibit collections related to this history? which today concerns a wide range of museum types.
The meeting is organised in partnership with the FME – Foundation for the Memory of Slavery.
It will be moderated by Nathalie Bondil, Director of the Museum and Exhibitions at the Institut du Monde Arabe, and translated simultaneously into English and Spanish.
Fredag 27. september kl. 09:30-17:30 arrangerer ICOM France “THINKING THE MUSEUM OF TOMORROW: Exploring degrowth”. Arrangementet finner sted på Jean Falala multimedia library i Reims og vil være tilgjengelig via Zoom.
Since the 1980s, the missions and activities of museums have expanded considerably. Driven by calls for cultural democratization and audience expansion, and based on the constant growth in the number of visitors, museum institutions have expanded and diversified their offerings, and strengthened their expertise by acquiring new know-how. The race for visitor numbers has led museums to offer ‘blockbuster’ programming, or at least to play the card of the event,, with one event chasing another. The rise of digital technology has meant that new commitments have to be made, in order to comply with new channels of communication.
The return of visitors to museums in 2023 to levels before the health crisis could lead us to believe in the triumphant return of the “world before”. However, increasing pressure on the resources allocated to cultural institutions, including museums, is leading to new operating methods: fewer exhibition projects, reductions in free admission, shorter opening hours and even, in some parts of the world, museum closures. Political instability and social tensions seem likely to have a lasting impact on the prioritisation of resources, which are themselves affected by the structural rise in the cost of maintaining the same level of service, not to mention cyclical crises such as the energy crisis. (…)
For å følge programmet på Zoom:
MORNING SESSION 9.30 – 12.30
ID reunion: 858 8060 8141 Secret Code: 247485
ID reunion: 833 2119 8818 Secret Code: 541877